For the past few months there's been an on-going theme in conversations with my friends, and that's being STAGNANT in multiple areas of their lives. I think everyone goes through the phase where nothing seems to get moving no matter what level of energy and dedication you put into it. There is also the case where you are doing a plethora of things, yet not getting to the specific goal. I myself have experienced this frustration on numerous occasions.
My first question to myself is: "Am I pushing too hard?" Is this why things are STAGNANT? I think sometimes I get so locked into how I want things to operate; I have valiantly set my heart on a particular way and have a vision of how the breakthrough should happen. This line of thinking causes a severe case of tunnel vision and prevents one from seeing or hearing other alternatives. So I believe that when we get to a point where nothing seems to move in a certain direction within the timeframe we desire, we need to step back and revaluate what we’re doing. Perhaps we are being locked out or blocked from a situation that will cause us to be set you back even further.
Another question I ask myself is: "Am I going in the right direction?" Is this why I am STAGNANT? I think many times we are certain about our ultimate goal, but it doesn't mean there aren't a variety of ways to achieve a particular goal. Just recently this has been demonstrated in my life. I was so focused on trying to get a project off the ground; from the beginning of the year I pushed and pushed, but nothing. I came up with all kinds of creative ways to present the project to the right people and tried to be in the right places at the right times, whatever was necessary. Eventually, I pulled back but only out of frustration and weariness.
When I eventually let go of my initial blueprint, I immediately came up with an idea that sent me in another direction. With this new revelation, I accomplished more in one month than in the previous months collectively. In addition, I widened my scope of knowledge, marketability, creative avenues and experienced other benefits. It’s not that I threw away my initial goal but that I found other ways to manifest it.
Lastly, I ask myself “Is there something I should be learning and doing in this STAGNANT moment?” Sometimes it’s wise to step out of the vision all together and rest our mind on other things. Focusing on something with absolutely no relation to what we’re seeking. Whether one decides to tutor youth, feed the homeless or work with the elderly. Sometimes it’s not enough to just take a vacation, go to the beach for the day, hiking, swimming, etc. Many times it’s about taking our mind off ourself for a period of time, sharing ourself with others. It’s could be about turning away from distractions like television, video games, hanging with friends, etc. in favor of increasing one’s prayer and meditation. Perhaps reading books that enhance those undeveloped areas of our mind or those things that lie dormant from being unexercised.
I believe that as soon as we understand and embrace that although we are knowledgeable and powerful in our own right and must live our life with purpose. While making critical decisions and strategic plans, ultimately we are subject to superior knowledge, a bigger plan and a higher calling. There is always something to be learned when things are not going according to our plan, when things are STAGNANT. This time of frustration can indeed be a blessing and ultimately make the reward even richer than you imagined.