I’m always thinking about life and what it truly means to live. It’s the most precious commodity any of us posses. Life is the beginning and the ending of everything. I continuously ask myself, what’s the best way to treasure this life and all that it encompasses? It’s a question that requires a life-long pursuit.

Random yet not so random musings.

Just A Thought! Tracie Ponder Just A Thought! Tracie Ponder


What we do will eventually lead to the results.

We often fail to see the results

not because we are doing something wrong

but because the results come from persistence only.

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We The People
Just A Thought! Tracie Ponder Just A Thought! Tracie Ponder

We The People

The rich claim that they are taking care of the lower class,

by allowing the lower class to rent and lease their land.

But if there is no lower class to rent and lease the land,

what worth would that land have?

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Just A Thought! Tracie Ponder Just A Thought! Tracie Ponder


For the past few months there's been an on-going theme in conversations with my friends, and that's being STAGNANT in multiple areas of their lives. I think everyone goes through the phase where nothing seems to get moving no matter what level of energy and dedication you put into it. There is also the case where you are doing a plethora of things, yet not getting to the specific goal. I myself have experienced this frustration on numerous occasions.

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Just A Thought! Tracie Ponder Just A Thought! Tracie Ponder


Sometimes when we’ve worked so hard at something for a long time and things seem to remain still we question whether we should continue that thing or QUIT. For most of us it’s those small victories in the journey that propels us forward with determination and avails us to that ray of hope. Yet if those victories become fewer and fewer we pull the QUIT notion from the subconscious of our mind and toil with it daily. For some of us it’s those encouraging words from another saying, “don’t QUIT” because you have a wonderful idea and they see great promise.

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Just A Thought! Tracie Ponder Just A Thought! Tracie Ponder


I’ve had a few really interesting conversations and that centered around the LIMITATIONS we place on others and ourselves. Sometimes these LIMITATIONS are not necessarily set out of one’s ill-will towards the other or even consciously. Most of us are unaware of how we place others and ourselves in a box. We are continuously conscious about how things are done and it is very difficult to embrace a different way of doing things and going beyond the standard practice.

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Just A Thought! Tracie Ponder Just A Thought! Tracie Ponder


EXPERIENCE is very critical to our growth and it is important that we venture out into the world and learn the many lessons of life. However, I realize that our EXPERIENCE can either work to our advantage or disadvantage. It is up to us how we utilize the many tools of our EXPERIENCES and whether they will be pearls or stones. It does not matter what the EXPERIENCE is; what matters is how you process that EXPERIENCE and in turn utilize that EXPERIENCE in the future.

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