I’m always thinking about life and what it truly means to live. It’s the most precious commodity any of us posses. Life is the beginning and the ending of everything. I continuously ask myself, what’s the best way to treasure this life and all that it encompasses? It’s a question that requires a life-long pursuit.

Random yet not so random musings.

Just A Thought! Tracie Ponder Just A Thought! Tracie Ponder


What we do will eventually lead to the results.

We often fail to see the results

not because we are doing something wrong

but because the results come from persistence only.

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Just A Thought! Tracie Ponder Just A Thought! Tracie Ponder


For the past few months there's been an on-going theme in conversations with my friends, and that's being STAGNANT in multiple areas of their lives. I think everyone goes through the phase where nothing seems to get moving no matter what level of energy and dedication you put into it. There is also the case where you are doing a plethora of things, yet not getting to the specific goal. I myself have experienced this frustration on numerous occasions.

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