I’m always thinking about life and what it truly means to live. It’s the most precious commodity any of us posses. Life is the beginning and the ending of everything. I continuously ask myself, what’s the best way to treasure this life and all that it encompasses? It’s a question that requires a life-long pursuit.

Random yet not so random musings.

Just A Thought! Tracie Ponder Just A Thought! Tracie Ponder


Sometimes when we’ve worked so hard at something for a long time and things seem to remain still we question whether we should continue that thing or QUIT. For most of us it’s those small victories in the journey that propels us forward with determination and avails us to that ray of hope. Yet if those victories become fewer and fewer we pull the QUIT notion from the subconscious of our mind and toil with it daily. For some of us it’s those encouraging words from another saying, “don’t QUIT” because you have a wonderful idea and they see great promise.

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